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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Paper Love

I recently re-read The Lost General by Elswyth Thane. This is a story set after World War II about a young woman from New England who falls in love with a Revolutionary War general and goes to North Carolina to search for his grave. Once there, she falls in love with the young Southern gentleman whose family owns the land where the fallen general is buried.

Reading this reminded me of the book, For the Love of Robert E. Lee by, M.A. Harper. Here, a young girl in the 1960’s falls in love with General Lee, as she researches him for a report at school.

Many of you know of my love of a cowboy and some of you know the root of it. I love to read Louis L’Amour westerns, especially the Sackett stories. A friend once told me that one reason I have so much trouble finding men that I am willing to date is because I am in love with William Tell Sackett, but that he understood because he is more than half in love with Echo Sackett. It's easy to see why my friend would fall in love with a woman who, in her resolve to save her family's land, faces adversary with bravery and strength—even if she is fictional. I admit it's hard for a real flesh and blood man to measure up to my precious Tell Sackett; after all, he is perfect in my imagination.

Have you ever had a crush on a historical or fictional character?


  1. Yes, Acheron in Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series (I love all her Dark Hunters). Although an Atlantean God has to be fictional, I wish he were actually real. Who wouldn't love a tall Goth? Just kidding! It's his personalty, strengths and the tribulations he has to go through that made me fall in love with him. And obviously, his sex appeal. Throughout the books on the Dark Hunters, you always received hints about him and his origins, but when his book finally came out and all was explained, you just loved him more. To me, he is the epitome of the alpha male.

  2. Oh, you make him sound so good. I may have to try to read those.

  3. Oh, there have been so many. I like a blond. I wouldn't exactly say I am in love with Eric from the Sookie books and True Blood but...well, he has his good points. He's so bad. I don't know what that says about me.

  4. Hmm...I'll have to find out more about this cowboy fascination.
    Me, I'm a hero floozy. Haven't met a hero yet that I haven't fallen in love with. But I do seem to fall more for the dark brooding type. There's just something about them that needs fixing. Guess it's that nurturing side of me coming out. :-D

  5. Man from Atlantis is where I fall--so sad. Now I crush on movie characters. But I loved Louis L'Amour westerns when I was a teen--read a ton of them. He really was a western romance author in my honest opinion cause I would not have inhaled all those books without the payoffs in the end if he weren't really a romantic at heart.

  6. Sherry-I agree that many heros are crush worthy!

    Christine-I agree that Louis L'Amour was very much a romantic at heart. Many of his books have love interests in them. I think that is a great part of their appeal, especially to men.

  7. I would fight someone over Will Sackett.
