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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer of Fun

I am smack dab in the middle of my summer vacation from school. I know that may sound as if I am just lolling around at the pool working on my tan while scantily clad cabana boys bring me boat drinks. Boat Drinks, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the term is any drink that is frozen, slushy and usually sorta fruity. It is an “Uh-weee, I can’t taste the alcohol” sort of drink.

This is exactly how I envisioned my first summer in 27 years without a job. Oh sure, I had some projects saved up. I was going to refinish a rocking chair, reorganize my home office, clean out my closets and FINALLY pack up my Christmas tree ornaments.

As you can guess, since I am blogging about it, this is NOT how my summer vacation is proceeding. Some how I always seem to end up with more to do than I anticipate, then my momma unexpectedly had knee surgery last week so life suddenly got even more fun.

I think part of my problem is that I hate to miss out on anything. It doesn’t even have to be any thing that I think would be fun; I just hate to think about missing anything. Of course, this means that I try to do and go to everything that I possibly can squeeze into my schedule.

I am reading a great book by Smarty Pants of Writing Playground fame before she submits it to the editor who is going to love it so much she buys it and ask for another book proposal. I am looking forward to attending the workshop on pacing by the fabulous Harlequin Presents author Lynn Raye Harris Friday at the Bailey Cove branch of the Huntsville Public Library. Pantster and I have decided to enter our WIP (work in progress) in an online contest so we are working on getting that ready. And, of course, like many RWA members I am already preparing for the National Conference with all its excitement. Other than the conference all of these fun things came my way since summer began but I am very glad that I was able to include them in my plans.

How is your summer going? Is it staying on the track you planned or is it wandering off track for unplanned adventures like mine has?

1 comment:

  1. On Vacation--revising still-- traveling with DD and trying to stay in touch :-) Can't wait till Orlando!
